Posted by The Kid (other posts) on July 06, 2018 at 13:34:32 Previous Next
In Reply to: Bald if you cut them-probably only couple years posted by The Kid on July 03, 2018 at 07:26:42:
: : I'm going through Bill's old posts and found this one from 2009 about cutting terminal short hairs in some areas-you'll be bald there.
: : Marty
: That's you'll be bald if you cut them but only for a couple years I would think. However if you're gonna lose it and it's not by your own hand, that's permanent.
: Marty
I guess it depends on where the short hairs are on the growth cycle of hair. I think they're in stage 1 (anagen phase) which is 2-7 years and not all those short hairs are at same point-some may have 2 years and some more and some less. If one area of your head is bald or thin don't shave the rest unless you're sure you want to be a cue ball! I know people that have made that mistake.