Posted by Avi (other posts) on January 06, 2018 at 13:26:34 Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Interested in growing my hair posted by Raymond on January 06, 2018 at 07:05:41:
: I'm looking to get to floor length. And I know it's a very long journey, one that will probably take over a decade- but I'm very set on taking that journey. I just know it :) Seeing that so many of you have the same calling makes me happy that I have others to relate to and help me on this journey. I just wanted to start to get to know you guys and hear from you about your personal tips regarding hair care and where exactly to start when I start growing out- I want to make sure to keep my hair as healthy as possible and I want to know what I'm doing when I start, so that I don't screw up somewhere along the way and mess up the work I've put in.
: Hey Avi!
: Welcome to the tribe, bro!
: I embrace you as a long haired bro. Even though you have not yet begun to grow your hair out, you have recognized that you want to grow your hair out and have determined to do so makes you a long hair, one of us.
: The fact that you recognize that you have wanted to grow your hair out since you were a child indicates that you are a born long hair. Being a born long hair means that for you having long hair is part of your self-identity, it is part of who you are. You are not growing out your hair because it is part of the latest fashion nor because you want to belong to a group whose whim happens to be having long hair. This does not describe you. If the fashion changes or the group you want to be identified with should change their feelings about long hair then you would simply cut off your hair and not feel anything about the loss of your hair. You are going to grow your hair out because having long hair is part of who you are. If you were to cut off your hair then you would not be completely who you are.
: Like you, I would like to grow my hair out to the floor. I have been allowing my hair to grow now for almost eighty-two (82) months and my hair is collar bone length. Allow me to make an assumption about your height. Let's say that you are 5 feet and 8 inches tall. That means that you are sixty-eight(68) inches tall. Normally human hair grows at a rate of one half (1/2) inch per month. This means that it would take one-hundred thirty six (136) months for your hair to grow the length of your body. That is eleven (11) years and four (4) months.
: You said that your parents are strict about your hair length. You are obeying your parents; as well you should. This is the reason why you intend to wait until you are out of your parents' house before you begin to actually grow out you hair. I'm sure that you will be visiting your parents from time to time once you have left their home. I would suggest that during the time you are still in your parents house you let them know in a non confrontational way that you intend to grow your hair out once you leave their house. When you do visit them after you leave their house assure them that you are still their son and that you love them. Your long hair is simply part of who you are. They disapprove and may make remarks to you about how your long hair is "not masculine". Assure them that men throughout most of history have worn their hair long if they were of the nobility or of the mercantile class. The men who were in the lower classes cut their hair because they couldn't afford the time to keep their hair clean and free of lice. Slaves and prisoners of war might have had their hair shaved off to remind them that they were not their own masters. Looking at it from that perspective, having long hair is "more masculine". Always be respectful and kind toward your parents and anyone else who might challenge you about your long hair, but always remain resolute that your long hair is going to stay and grow longer.
: You have us here at MLHH for support. We encourage each other as a band of brothers. Recognize that you are going to be in a minority among guys; about five (5) percent of the adult male population has hair longer than shoulder length. We are here to help you with advise about hair care products and grooming suggestions. We are here to help with encouragement to keep growing your hair even in spite of criticism and in the face of the "awkward stage". This is the stage of growing out your hair when your hair is long enough to begin curling in one (1) direction or another and will simply not stay where you comb it. This is because your hair is growing in length but does not yet have the volume to hold itself down because of its weight. Like all of us, it is a stage you simply have to endure and go through. However, when you get to the other side of the awkward stage your hair will be long and beautiful. You will be able to wear your hair in many different ways. You will look majestic and regal.
: Welcome to the family, bro.
: Your long haired bro,
: Raymond
Hey Raymond!
Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! Reading them really encouraged me and me feel like I have a supportive community to surround me on my journey. Its just a waiting game now when it comes to getting started- 1.5 years at the maximum for me to head off to college. As a shorthair, I don't really know much in the way of hair care- I wash my hair every couple of days and use shampoo, but I don't know how to care for long hair at all. Any advice? I heard there's no routine specific to any one person and that I just have to find what works for me. I'm scared I won't be able to figure it out though.
Thank you for the help :)