Posted by Ted (other posts) on August 24, 2017 at 16:27:30 Previous Next
In Reply to: Another New School Year, Another School With Hair Rules [PIC] posted by JustCarol on August 24, 2017 at 11:01:29:
: The little boy is of Native American heritage, and has never had his hair cut. School district at first said they would make an exception for cultural/religious reasons, which the mother was submitting paperwork for - but now they are disallowing her son to attend until he gets his hair cut. She's not giving in, and plans on fighting this. As usual, the school releases a statement full of the usual malarkey about 'standards' and what not. It's 2017, and we're still dealing with backwards mentality. School is in Texas, which seems to be in the forefront of boys-with-long-hair haters running schools.
I would yank my son out of that stupid school and start home schooling him. The result would be more than likely a hundred times better than the stupid school could give him. He could let his hair grow and get a better education at the same time. My sister was home schooled and she is an intelligent girl. Good on the mother for fighting this. And I live in Texas! I need to go back to California!