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Your Photo

Your photo must show your face well enough to for you to be recognized. If it is a centimeter in diameter on your screen (about the size of your thumb nail) that is big enough. If it shows 2/3 of your face in a frontal view or the 1/2 one sees in a side view, that shows enough. Your photo should be one taken within the last four years, and it should show your hair and beard as they are now. Please send your photo as you have it, without processing it in any way. Each time that happens it loses quality, and we'd rather do that once here. We only accept photos and they must show your face and hair. Please do not send caricatures, sketches, or cartoon characters.

Please find your photo on your computer (4 megabytes max.):

Your Name

Your real name, your nickname, whatever you go by:

Your Location

Optional, but it may help you make connections with others:

Your Web Page

Another optional item that will help you make connections:
(If you leave this blank, users will be shown the photo you are sending us, full size. Or you can correspond with the directory maintainer later to submit a different photo.)

Your Line

Optional. Up to 200 characters about yourself:

Note that if you overflow the box area you've probably used more than 200 characters and the end of your text will then be cut off.

Your E-mail Address

Your e-mail address is required, but it will not be shown on the site. Users will be shown a web form for contacting you. Your e-mail address in your web board posts is what will cause your photo and its link to your home page to appear. Also, we may need to contact you occasionally about your listing so we need your address:

Because you are uploading a photo, it may take a minute or so to upload your request. Please wait until you get a web page showing it has been acted upon.

If you have a very slow web connection and a very large photo, your submission may exceed our server's 120-second timer. If this happens, you will get a server error. Please e-mail all the information requested above to this address should this occur:

Note: To get by our spam filter, mail to the address above must contain the word "MLHH" in the subject of your e-mail.

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