Men's Long Hair Hyperboard

Post A Message - Followup in Existing Thread


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This board is for posting about long hair on men. Any posting on this subject that passes the rest of the rules is an allowable post.

Post a followup to the message posted by "Ted"
with the subject of "Re: 9 yo Boy ''I've Pet That Dog'' on Twitter, Has Long Hair. ":

Required. (Aliases, though, are OK.)
Optional, but people won't write you if you leave it out.
Required. Describe your message, so those interested will view it!

Enter Your Response Here:
(Please, to save bandwidth, delete the part of the other person's text that does not need to be included for context.)

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Example: Myname
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Put a photo at the top of your message: (optional)
There are two ways to do it:
  • Link it: If your photo is already on the Internet, and it is not on a free site like Geocities:
    The photo must stay on that site for future readers of your message to see it.
    The URL of your photo:

  • Upload it: If the photo is on your computer:
    It will be uploaded to the bulletin board web site (2 meg max).

    Find the file on your computer:

    Rotate photo:
    Do not rotate.
    Rotate counterclockwise (left) 90 degrees.
    Rotate clockwise (right) 90 degrees.


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Please wait for confirmation rather than reclicking,
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