The bulletin board software has detected you to be a new user, or you to be a user who has not posted in awhile. Please read our FAQ, shown here, before entering your post:Rules
This board is for posting about long hair on men. Any posting on this subject that passes the rest of the rules is an allowable post.
- Most of the rules can be summarized: Stay on topic, and be courteous.
- Read the board before posting to get an idea of the flavor of the site.
- Pick a handle or use your name and stick to it.
- Do not include message content in a handle. For example, don't respond to a post using a "creative" handle name. The subject line may be used for this purpose if constrained to only a few words.
- Do not use someone else's handle.
- Do not use foul language. This site is intended for all audiences. Repeated offenses may subject the poster to be banned from the board. Disguising foul language is considered to be worse than simply using foul language because the language is still apparent and there's additionally an intent to deceive.
- If you have a picture, use the image field in the posting form to include a link to your picture. These pictures will add significantly to the content. Unless you explicitly state in your message otherwise, submitting a picture in this way constitutes your agreement to have the picture included in a future gallery or members list page.
- Posting of fantasy is permitted -- however it must be clearly identified as being fantasy.
- When responding to a post, make sure your reply is consistent with the head of the thread. If your topic has nothing to do with the original thread, start a new thread.
- If you have a problem with a post, contact the moderation crew for resolution so the board does not get cluttered.
- Ladies are welcome here. However, the conversation must stay on topic. Illustrating hair styles with female pictures is fine, for example, if the attached message refers to some aspect of hair style on men. However, if a male picture that illustrates the point just as well is also available, please use it instead.
- This board is not a matchmaking center. No personal ads. The philosophy here is that if you want someone to contact you, include your e-mail address on appropriate posts. If anyone is interested in you, they may contact you directly.
- Feel free to contact authors of posts directly by e-mail. However, please be courteous.
- FLAMES: If you are flamed on the board or if someone else is, do not respond to the poster on the board. Contact the moderation crew with any complaints.
- SPAM: Same comment as for FLAMES.
Post a followup to the message posted by "Jacob" with the subject of "Alex Wooley?":
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